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Play for $10

Three kids smiling, holding sports balls. Text reads: "PLAY for $10".

Register for our Play for $10, to give your child a sampler into our exciting youth sports world. These quick-hit, one-day experiences are the perfect opportunity to see if your child enjoys the experience before jumping into a program. Register early, as space is limited. Registering for a Play for $10 session does not guarantee your spot in any youth sports program.

Ages 3-5

Location: Chapman Park, adjacent to the Dorothy F. Johnson Center at 775 East 16th St. 

Age: 3-5 | Spring ShortE All Stars | Thu | 4/3 | 4:30 PM-5:15 PM Register Online

Age: 3-5 | Spring ShortE All Stars | Thu | 4/3 | 5:30 PM-6:15 PM Register Online

Location: Dorothy F. Johnson Center gym at 775 East 16th St. 

Age: 3-5 | Summer ShortE Soccer Camp | Wed | 6/4 | 4:30 PM-6:30 PM Register Online

Ages 5-7

Location: Dorothy F. Johnson Center gym at 775 East 16th St. 

Age: 5-7 | Summer Little Hoopsters Basketball Camp | Thu | 5/29 | 4:00 PM-6:30 PM Register Online

Ages 7-11

Location: Arron Ray Clark Memorial Field House gym at Community Park at 1900 Dr. MLK Jr. Parkway. 

Age: 7-11 | Summer Volleyball Camp | Wed | 5/28 | 4:30 PM-7:30 PM Register Online

Location: Grass area in front of Arron Ray Clark Memorial Field House gym at Community Park at 1900 Dr. MLK Jr. Parkway. 

Age: 7-11 | Summer Flag Football Camp | Tue| 6/3 | 4:30 PM-7:30 PM Register Online

Program Details

Please note that once you are registered, we will not be sending any email reminders about this program, as all information is available below.

What to Bring: Please ensure your participant arrives in athletic clothing (no jeans), and shoes. Please bring plenty of water. All equipment will be provided on-site, and it is recommended that you do not bring any equipment on-site.

Other Notes: Check your program receipt for more specific program reminders!